A “joint petition” or “joint application” for divorce is appropriate when both parties mutually agree their marriage is at an end and they decide to file together. Oftentimes, parties who start off this way cooperate in other ways to avoid the bitterness and high costs associated with a contested proceeding. One common alternative to traditional divorce is full-service Divorce Mediation with help from Divorce PRO Wisconsin. From start to finish, you and your spouse work together to devise a plan for your life apart guided by an impartial intermediary who knows the laws and can help you apply them to your unique set of facts. Our experienced divorce mediators provide the education and the resources. You control the process, the issues, the outcome, and most importantly, the costs.

What services are included in Divorce Mediation?

Divorce PRO offers full-service divorce mediation packages for as little as $750.00 per party. From pre-filing to final hearing, your divorce mediator will walk you through your entire divorce process. These are just some of the things we will do for you:

  • We will employ proven dispute resolution strategies to help you recognize potential conflicts before they become problems and work with you to resolve those problems before they become irreconcilable differences.
  • We will make sure you know and understand all your rights and responsibilities, both before and after you file, and of course, after your final judgment has been entered.
  • We will give you instruction on how to fairly divide your marital estate; how to properly assess what you own and what you owe; and how to calculate and maximize the return on your investment in the marriage.
  • We will make certain that you have addressed every issue relevant to your case fairly, equitably, and objectively.
  • We will assist you with the legal forms you will need to seamlessly proceed from one to the next step in your divorce.
  • We will provide you with expert information and feedback on divorce procedure, including tips on how to make the legal process work exclusively for you.

Divorce PRO Wisconsin offers easy and cost-effective solutions for pro se parties seeking an amicable divorce. Tell us what you need and let our pro se divorce advocates help you help yourself.

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Let Us Help You Help Yourself

Divorce PRO is a client-first mediation services provider, promoting affordable alternatives to traditional retainer-first legal representation. We are divorce done right, offering guidance and straight answers to pro se parties unable to find the help they need at a reasonable cost. Our team of pro se divorce advocates and divorce mediators, many of whom are former family law attorneys, work here in Wisconsin. We have helped hundreds of clients save thousands in lawyer fees, and we are ready to help you help yourself.


Is Pro Se Right for Me?

Take minute to complete our pro se self-evaluation to see if you can Do-It-Yourself better with help from Divorce PRO Wisconsin.