NO contest. My spouse and I are amicable.
NO argument. My spouse and I agree on everything or almost everything.
NO payback. My spouse and I have resolved our emotional issues to the extent that we are fully able to cooperate with each other.
NO long-term commitment. My spouse and I have been married for a short time (eight years or less).
NO financial support. My spouse and I are both working to our full earning capacity and we are both healthy.
NO children. My spouse and I do not have children, or if we do, they are either grown or we both agree that our children come first and we will jointly do whatever it takes to support them emotionally and financially.
NO property disputes. My spouse and I agree to value our marital property fairly and split all that we own and all that we owe on a 50/50 basis.
NO complications. My divorce appears simple enough.
NO reservations. I am NOT concerned about ANY aspect of my divorce; I am NOT concerned about ANY issues that may arise while my case is pending; and I am NOT concerned about ANY of the rights that I may be waiving or ANY of the responsibilities that I may be incurring.
NO fear. I will NOT be intimidated by the legal process, opposing counsel, court staff, or my judge.
NO worries. Divorce PRO is here to help.